What are the main Reasons for Delay in Marriage?

4 min readSep 12, 2024


Delay in marriage is the result of having certain doshas in the horoscope, such as Mangal dosha, the Saturn dosha and other significant doshas such as Pitra dosha, Kalatra dosha, Mangalya dosha and so on.

Mangal dosha causes conflicts, or dissolves the marriage over time. Saturn causes undue delays in marriage. Other doshas have their repercussions on the marital life and marriage timing for the individual Let us explore the reasons for marriage delay,

How to know the Reasons for Late Marriage from the Horoscope?

The term late marriage is subjective in nature as marriageable age cannot be exactly determined and can vary according to the times and cultures, communities, and individual preferences.

Some planetary Yogas can postpone the marriage up to some time. That apart, although Yogas are very important factors, the entire horoscope along with divisional charts has to be assessed to come to the correct conclusion about the reasons for late marriage.

Indicators for Late Marriage as per Marriage Astrology:

  • If Saturn is aspecting or occupying the 7th house
  • Saturn conjunct with Venus or Jupiter.
  • Saturn aspecting or combining with Moon or Sun.
  • Cancer and Leo signs must marry late or they will separate soon after marriage as Saturn is the ruling planet of their 7th house.
  • Venus conjunct with malefic planets or even aspected by Saturn reduces its beneficial impact
  • If Venus or Jupiter are retrograded, combust, or debilitated either the marriage is delayed or marital life will be in discord.
  • If Venus is in Leo or cancer,
  • Venus, Lagna lord and papakartari yoga in 7th house
  • Sun in seventh house
  • If there is Rahu and Ketu affliction to the 7th house,
  • If placement of malefic planets like Sun, Mars, and Saturn in 7th House
  • If 7th lord associated with the 6th, 8th and 12th lords
  • if Gemini, Virgo, Leo or Sagittarius signs happen to be the ascendants.
  • The first and seventh house of Navamsa chart is deemed equally important while assessing this factor.
  • Mars causes the famous Mangal Dosha due to which people even today hesitate to approach a manglik for marriage. But some combinations and Yogas within the birth chart and customized remedies can cancel the Mangal dosha easily.

Will my Love Life Fail and Cause a Delay in my Marriage

The known planets to spoil love in a relationship are Ketu, the 8th lord, debilitated planet and Saturn.

  • Dasha of Venus and any debilitated planet in the fifth house can cause disappointments in love affairs.
  • In the dasha bhukti of the 12th, 6th, and 8th lords, there is bound to be strain and tension in relationships and separation
  • Ketu in 5th house/ combined with 5th lord or Venus can cause love rejections,
  • Saturn in 5th house and Saturn conjunct with 5th lord or Venus can also be responsible for love failure.
  • if moon is conjunct with Saturn in 5th house the repercussions of breakup of love is so deep that the person will remain unmarried for the rest of his life.

Read more When Will I Get Married

Is my Mangal Dosha Cancelled

Mangal dosha is automatically cancelled under these conditions,

  • If Lagna falls in Aquarius, Aries, or Leo, Mars occupying the Lagna will be cancelled.
  • Mars, in swakshetra in Mitra kshetra, nullifies the dosha.
  • Similarly, if Taurus or Libra happen to be the 12th house which is occupied by Mars, the dosha would be absent.
  • Venus and exalted Mars in Lagna, especially in Capricorn, Aries, or Scorpio in Navamsha will ward off the mangal dosha according to birth chart analysis.
  • If Venus is exalted in first, fourth, or seventh houses dosha disappears.
  • If couples are both Manglik, the dosha fails to exist.
  • If your future partners birth chart has Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house, in the horoscope, dosha is automatically cancelled as per Kundli matching.
  • Beneficial placement of Jupiter, in Kendra or Trikona of a female horoscope, will result in cancellation of the mangal dosha.
  • If Mangal dosha occurs in movable signs, the affliction is negated
  • If benefics like Moon or Venus occupy the second house, Mars dosha will not materialize.
  • Jupiter and Venus combination in 7th house of the Lagna can cancel the dosha.
  • Mangal dosha is cancelled if Moon occupies the Kendra position.

Final Conclusion:

Delay in marriage is caused due to previous karma that manifests itself as specific planetary combinations forming doshas like Mangal dosha and Mangalya dosha and so on. An adept astrologer can help minimize the bad effects to a large extent. Mangal dosha effects can be cancelled through so many avenues. Astrological remedies and Karmic correction help in a big way when it comes to cancellation of the Mangal dosha. These are the recipes for healthy life by astrology. On the final note, Mangal dosha is perfectly reversible. Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy marital bliss.

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Source: https://kundli-matching.com/blogs/delay-in-marriage/




Written by Lifeprediction

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